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DriverPicker pick up only drivers you need from DriverPacks Solution.
For example, picking up ‘Windows 10 x64’ drivers from 7, 8, 10, x86, x64 drivers.
DriverPicker can also be used with other driver collections.

Why did I write DriverPicker?

I wrote DriverPicker to use with theoven.org’s WinPESE, which needs drivers to work properly.
When buling Windows PE with WinPESE, it only needs drivers which support one Windows version, but driver collections are commonly unsorted.
DriverPicker automatically truncates unneeded drivers, which helps to save disk space and WinPESE build time.

System Requirement


Latest version is v1.0 (20160619).
You can get old versoin in here.


Open Source License

Source code available in GitHub, licensed under MIT License.



v1.0 (Build 20160712)

Initial release